Today[On the day od Diwali] I have been thinking a lot about this at work. This is so unlike me if I retrospect and look at my self and what my thoughts had been about at work place in as long as I think of. So, I guess this untoward thought frequenting me so much today deserves a place in my blog. I am off from work early too, seating late at work is a work habit for all in office where I work... :)
October 28, 2008
My Dream - Will it consumate with reality when I am 40 - Part 1
For readers it may not make much sense as it would be more like a early morning dream -- so incoherent if you try to make logic out of it. Still if it's forward looking dream, you will like the end result of the dream to come true and some people make it turn true over time. So readers please pardon me for this post if you are disappointed about it nad you are reading it patiently till end.
Lately and so much today I have been thinking about making my self financially free by the age of 40 to lead a average middle class life in India/Singapore. With achieving this I will be able to start again what had been of so much of interest to me in my school days. Ya in school days and NOT COLLEGE DAYS. I guess decisions and action later on in my life after school that I have made till date are more to lead a normal successful social and human life. If I succeed in becoming financially free then my abnormal and self indulgent life will kick-off. I guess it will last till I am off this world as briefly I was obsessed with programming as well. This was in college days which strated with my tryst with a month training during college break. I am over it now :)
Let me look at it briefly how I had been during my school days[till 12th]. I was a average student all the while in school till 8th. All of a sudden when I was in 9th, all subjects started to look interesting to me. So it was natural to be placed into top-10 after that. May be CIVICS was only exception and with age I guess there is nothing which does not interests me including LANGUAGES. Of course I would admit that LANGUAGE was the last thing which started to appeal me and to draw my interest. Still I haven't been developed liking for MUSIC and ARTS. As I have been growing up It has been becoming more and more clear that it's not class room based or I should say degree based studies that is attracting me. It's sheer inquisitive human nature and attraction to unravel and learn more about all things which you see and learn about in day to day life. You want to know more about it but then you are left at the shore in an alley and there is NO-ONE who can lead you to the sea of knowledge or at least in search of it safely. In my school in 9th standard I was introduced in real terms to SCIENCE and started to scratch it's surface. I got so interested in it that studying became a part of me that I wanted to do when I got some time. Of course significant amount of time was into studing and researching more on what was not in prescribed textbook nad that was beyond the syllabus of the course that was taught at school. Of all the subjects till 12th I LOVED PHYSICS and BIOLOGY. I guess only thing I didn't love so much was ENGLISH. In Biology, GENETICS/CYTOLOGY and EVOLUTION which was most appealing and in Physics it was MODERN PHYSICS and esoteric THEORY of RELATIVITY. Given a choice in school I would have preferred to read GENETICS of all others things. Now I would go for MODERN PHYSICS and THEORY of RELATIVIVTY and related exiciting stuff. At school when I tried to find out what lay ahead for a guy interested in GENETICS - I found out this : Graduate in Biology and there is only one institute in India where I can pursue GENETICS there after. Back in early 1990's it was not an appealing option at all. I guess leading a WELL-OFF life was the first thing if you wanted to do something good in life at any point in time later on till the time you go down six foot under or into ashes in a pyre for last rites for hindus. Other related choice was going for medicine. Oh GOD..--..Thinking about a long 5-6 year of graduate course and followed by 2-3 years to get a masters degree at minimum to start a pro life was a huge investment of time, effort and persistence and with not a very promising result with high probability of it happening. I took the short-cut and join Engineering course. Hadn't thought what lies ahead and was confident of at least a decent life there after. Definitely I had thought of pursuing what would be more appealing after a 4 yr graduate degree. Defintely I was a frugal guy in terms of putting in effort what was really not very iontersting irrespective of the END it was leading to. I wanted to achieve the attractive END with least amount of effort to put. While put in rest of time into what was more enjoyable - READ what was not considered worth investing time and effort by teachers and other class mates. But it was so interesting, how can one not like it. I still feel the same way when I think of school days. I was so lazy that I was into reading mathematics in stead of crunching the integral equations of geometry and Trigonometry. Unlike others I always felt it was better than aching your knees and elbows to score high in mathematics. I use to put in only 4 hours week into really solving equations and probability sums to pratice for sitting thru a exam 3 hours long. I guess rest one hour per week to ward off the fear that students dont score in mathematics if they dont practice it on paper. I use to take samples[draw number from a lot for each odd/even chapter] so that I have to put least amount of effort in crunching them on paper instead of reading them:) In fact I use to do the same for even PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY[Physical mostly]. Reading the books on all these was so much fun. I really miss it even now. It's so much better than reading story books and novels. I guess I had left reading novels some where in 11th standard and had become very selective in picking up any new novel. Only based on recommendations... Other difficult part in student life was drawing all those boring lines and curves for Boilogy and practical books for Physics and chemistry as well. It still doesn't make sense what the syllabus prescribers had/have in mind when they have introduced thing like drawing those testubes/Screw- gauges/Pendulum/.... Sheer waste of time for student I think. If you go out and play garden cricket with socks balls and hockey stick it so much more refreshing. I think this is the only think about games/sports I miss to date. If you have spent more time playing then it fills you with a guilt with in - I should read now. You see - In encourages you to study - may be for the sake of scoring if not for the sake of inquisitiveness - but then it's the seed which draws you to read about things which are beyond the syllabus. So I guess in school days my life been self indulgent from 9th onwards. I use to read and research a lot about things which use to arouse and make my thoughts wander off. I use to get into day dreaming most of the time.
One DREAM which I always use to harbor and I guess it got crushed during the engineering degree is as follows. These days I have started seeing the same dream again. It goes like this :)
It sounds funny and I laugh at my self thinking about it. Now I have started getting this dream again but it has been altered a little as I have observed and read more during the course of my life since the day I had above mentioned dream. Do you want to go thru my version of altered dream that I am harboring these days:)
Wasn't it interesting dream of a dreamer :)) don't share this with hollywood sci-fi authors and movie industry fellows. They would milk money out of ideas like this !!! Wasn't few of the sci-fi movie made in Hollywood having some nice dream like this. I wouldn't say the same about bolywood movies though. All Bollywood movies have lot of emotions packed around a sci-fi theme else it would not sell for the producer to make next one. Though few of them have NICE DREAMS too into them if you just look at it from sci-fi point of view. Anyway isn't it that what is sci-fi today became truth or scientific theory/law tomorrow with little bit of alterations and into well known fact day after there after !!!
I think it's becoming too long for a single post, but I wont publish it till I complete all the parts. I have dropped many a things/topics in between in my posts promising to come back and write about it later :) So I will do the same again for now - I guess I will sit and write again to read it again few years later when I turn 40 and am financially free to pursue it :)) I will definitely come back type in more of these dreams till I am 40 and fincially free - WILL I BE ????
October 20, 2008
Amway & BWW - One of the $ pipeline
There was 2 day event organized by BWW to teach how to excel in AMWAY biz model. I couldn't attend 1st day because of unexpected allergy leading to nasal imflamation and sneezing. Though I really wanted to attend the event - actual reason behind it was building network instead of really excelling in the AMWAY biz. In the post below I am not going to typically bragg about how AMWAY biz model works and flount about how a nice way it is to make money. I am sure many a blogs would have been written about it. I am going to just put down what I saw on the 2nd day in the FED[Free Enterprise Day] event organized by BWW.
Definitely of this 6 hours event each day, I attended only 3-4 hours but it met the purpose for me. Though it's called "Free Ent..... Day" - It actually costs SGD75/- to get an entry ticket for all the 5 sessions on both day. There is no way that you can buy tickets for 1/2 of the total 5 session. There was a big and very energetic crowd at the venue. People were full of energy and they were all dancing around the floor in between the sessions. Achievers in the AMWAY biz were the speakers and sought after people who the entired crowd wanted to emulate. It indeed fetches good money if you succeed in the biz. There were mngmt pro, bankers, engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, house wives, students, marketing pro, etc..... in the crowd. It means it all it takes is common sense to participate in it. Model is based on human networking and self use of the products from AMWAY or marketed by AMWAY.
What I liked about the event is that so many people being present at the event with not many a raised hands for first timer means that many people were persisting with the biz and were some money, though some had made huge amount of money.
What I liked about the event is that many a professional in this associated biz were from different walks of life which in turns means it's definitely possible to carry it on as a side biz and should be fine if I devote less than 5-6 hours per week.
Over the period definitely it will mean improved network which would prove beneficial later in profession and other $pipeline I will like to build.
Intial investment is very minimal - in fact just one time registration fee. I am not paying this fee over web to a party I dont know so I know I am thorwing away this small sum of money.
Some of the speakers did make fun of the highly energetic behavior of the crowd re-inforcing that it takes discipline and planned approach instead of just sheer brut force to make it good in the biz.
I have joined the crowd and have registered for the biz. Please pray GOD for me that I successfully create $ pipeline out of this AMWAY and build many more pipelines.
October 18, 2008
One down - New life with new set of people
Lately I had been very lethargic to do another post. But during the today office Deepavali party I really felt that I have go and type it down. I had felt similarly before as well on certain occasions but had not been able to sit down on the computer to write a post :) I guess the reason was not that today's event led to my thoughts being more strong than they were before but the difference is that today is Saturday and I am not stressed out because of office work. Full day in office really saps me out of all energy. I don't why don't feel this as long as I am in office once I start to near my home on my way back I start to feel very very tired.
I guess the title of the post is very vague but then it's really for me and some people who really follow these posts on my blog.
There are two related posts on my blog related to this. Please check out before reading this. You may want to read them after reading this as all three posts are related.
1) Is everything okay at my workplace !!! (Part 1)
2) Is everything okay at my workplace !!! (Part 2)
About 2 months now one of the director has since left to join another well known competitor bank who have not been hounded at all by recent financial turmoil globally. Behind all the good words he had to say in his farewell speech, story emerging from behind the curtain is that he felt that it's enough. Enough of useless unproductive politics. He was a my favorite of the two and a candid manager and leader. There was lot of hope when he was around of my organization coming back to past glorious days.
Only remaining king now was having a free hand to set things right. To twist and trun things so that there will no voice of dessent. All the while he had been putting all his people in critical positions though they had no experience about the work the organization was involved in doing. Only 2 of old people are their in his team as they showed comeplete loyality towards him. In fact these two gentlemen/ladies are such that they would lick any one up and look down upon anyone below them. There is another lucky guy in this director's team. He had planned his moves well and time too favored him. Though if we look at what he had achieved to deserve this - then there would be only failures to be shown without any success. But all this still got him the necessary visibility to fetch him a place as new Director's one down. I will not be surprised if new Director will not be able to turn things around then this lucky guy would one of the first people to leave the sinking ship. Of course the other one would be the Director him self as at my work place captain dont sink along with the ship. They only force others to sink with the ship and later as well by throwing staff out of the life-boat to make a place for them selves:)
Other important that affected me was that with the exit of the wanted director my boss to decided to move on. With this there was a set of staff including who were prized catch for others but none of us wanted to work with anyone around as over period none of them had shown the necessary leadership and managerial skill worth look upto. How ever none of us had a choice to moe out as department was in such a bad shape that BIG BOSS[Director 2 up] has closed all exits from our department. Only exit was to leave the bank. My boss relationship with BIG BOSS was good enough that he let him move as he subtly explained the stress relationship he had with the director who was now in charge of entire organization.
In todays party I felt like being in a new place. None of the old timer who have been forced to stay with the organization were present. In fact I was having running nose and heavy sneezing due to some allergy but I made it a point to go because I felt not going there would as well put me into the group who is not liking or supporting the new organization. With none of the old timer present in the party was a clear signal that they were not their in the department anymore with their heart and soul. They were just there like machines from which you will get good output as long as input is good. BIG BOSS too was there. I respect him for his organizational leadership and people management skills. I am sure he must have noticed this as it was so obvious. He would surely try to set things correct or find a way out for the department to succeed. There is no way that he can allow the organization to fail and then to replace the Director. Doing anything like this would be too costly for the bank. This department product is the face of the bank for customers through out the world.
Positive thing that I observed/felt about the party that new set of people were showing life and were gelling well. Now the thing is that it will depend upon how quickly they are able to learn the department's business and achieve it's old glory. As of now things seems to be settling down but as a 2nd grade compared to what the department was in it's shiny days. Having worked with a set of people who knew the job and systems, I feel so akward to work with a set of people, most of whom are 2nd grade. There is a growing urge to move to another department as I still feel like working with best team, building a great team and delivering mesmerizing stuff.
Please wish me LUCK so that I succeed in doing the same.
I guess the title of the post is very vague but then it's really for me and some people who really follow these posts on my blog.
There are two related posts on my blog related to this. Please check out before reading this. You may want to read them after reading this as all three posts are related.
1) Is everything okay at my workplace !!! (Part 1)
2) Is everything okay at my workplace !!! (Part 2)
About 2 months now one of the director has since left to join another well known competitor bank who have not been hounded at all by recent financial turmoil globally. Behind all the good words he had to say in his farewell speech, story emerging from behind the curtain is that he felt that it's enough. Enough of useless unproductive politics. He was a my favorite of the two and a candid manager and leader. There was lot of hope when he was around of my organization coming back to past glorious days.
Only remaining king now was having a free hand to set things right. To twist and trun things so that there will no voice of dessent. All the while he had been putting all his people in critical positions though they had no experience about the work the organization was involved in doing. Only 2 of old people are their in his team as they showed comeplete loyality towards him. In fact these two gentlemen/ladies are such that they would lick any one up and look down upon anyone below them. There is another lucky guy in this director's team. He had planned his moves well and time too favored him. Though if we look at what he had achieved to deserve this - then there would be only failures to be shown without any success. But all this still got him the necessary visibility to fetch him a place as new Director's one down. I will not be surprised if new Director will not be able to turn things around then this lucky guy would one of the first people to leave the sinking ship. Of course the other one would be the Director him self as at my work place captain dont sink along with the ship. They only force others to sink with the ship and later as well by throwing staff out of the life-boat to make a place for them selves:)
Other important that affected me was that with the exit of the wanted director my boss to decided to move on. With this there was a set of staff including who were prized catch for others but none of us wanted to work with anyone around as over period none of them had shown the necessary leadership and managerial skill worth look upto. How ever none of us had a choice to moe out as department was in such a bad shape that BIG BOSS[Director 2 up] has closed all exits from our department. Only exit was to leave the bank. My boss relationship with BIG BOSS was good enough that he let him move as he subtly explained the stress relationship he had with the director who was now in charge of entire organization.
In todays party I felt like being in a new place. None of the old timer who have been forced to stay with the organization were present. In fact I was having running nose and heavy sneezing due to some allergy but I made it a point to go because I felt not going there would as well put me into the group who is not liking or supporting the new organization. With none of the old timer present in the party was a clear signal that they were not their in the department anymore with their heart and soul. They were just there like machines from which you will get good output as long as input is good. BIG BOSS too was there. I respect him for his organizational leadership and people management skills. I am sure he must have noticed this as it was so obvious. He would surely try to set things correct or find a way out for the department to succeed. There is no way that he can allow the organization to fail and then to replace the Director. Doing anything like this would be too costly for the bank. This department product is the face of the bank for customers through out the world.
Positive thing that I observed/felt about the party that new set of people were showing life and were gelling well. Now the thing is that it will depend upon how quickly they are able to learn the department's business and achieve it's old glory. As of now things seems to be settling down but as a 2nd grade compared to what the department was in it's shiny days. Having worked with a set of people who knew the job and systems, I feel so akward to work with a set of people, most of whom are 2nd grade. There is a growing urge to move to another department as I still feel like working with best team, building a great team and delivering mesmerizing stuff.
Please wish me LUCK so that I succeed in doing the same.
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